The annual IHSS provider paid sick leave hours for Fiscal Year 2023/2024 are 24 hours beginning July 1, 2023.
Beginning July 1, 2018, the IHSS Paid Sick Leave Program became available for current, active IHSS program providers.
All current, active IHSS providers who met the eligibility criteria received annual paid sick leave beginning State Fiscal Year July 1, 2018.
All providers, both existing and newly hired after July 1, 2018 will accrue annual sick leave after working 100 hours of providing authorized services for one or more IHSS recipients after their initial hire date. Once the annual sick leave hours are accrued, the provider must work an additional 200 hours providing services to any IHSS recipient(s), or actively work for a period of 60 calendar days from the date on which the provider accrued his/her annual paid sick leave hours, whichever comes first, before they can use them.
These are one-time requirements that must be completed to accrue, and use paid sick leave. A provider who completes the hours or time requirements will continue to accrue hours of paid sick leave each State Fiscal Year, July 1, as he/she continues to work as an active IHSS provider. Any provider who ceases employment with IHSS for longer than one year shall be considered inactive and would need to complete the process again to earn and use paid sick leave.
At the end of each State Fiscal Year, June 30th, any unused paid sick leave will expire.
Sick Leave Informational Notification:
How to Request Sick Leave
Complete a paper copy of the IHSS Program Provider Sick Leave Request Form (SOC 2302) and mail it to the address listed on the form.
Submit the form electronically via the IHSS Electronic Services Portal.
The above information is from the CDSS website.
Sick Leave Information
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